Almost three years ago, when I found out I was 20 weeks pregnant, my life took a sudden turn and I was re-routed in more ways than one. I was teaching full time and expected to continue to do so. Suddenly I had 4 weeks left in my beloved dream job. I left to go on leave never considering that I would resign and change my career completely.
I resigned last month 31st August. It felt right. It was time.
When Eve was two, earlier this year, I was talking to a mentor who helps people get started with their own business and she was asking me what I wanted to do. I knew I'd been led to her. I had spoken to her before, we'd become friends and were in a couple of different facebook groups together. I told her I'd had this secret desire for five years where I helped people as a life coach. I had written a program imagining I was holding retreats for women across the world to access and enjoy. I would hold classes about how to align with joy, practise using gratitude, understand the law of attraction and basically turn their lives around. We would have delicious healthy meals and use essential oils. It was all a bit of fun because it was imaginary, just a dream, however as my friend began asking me questions this day about my passions in life, I suddenly knew that my fantasy had to come out of dream world and into reality.
I had begun seeing a naturopath back in 1999 who used energy healing. I was fascinated and results showed me that it really worked. I did a few classes and learnt the basics so I could practise this art. I had been using it on my family and friends and enjoying seeing the results in their lives ever since.
It was after talking to my mentor that I started to see the picture; like the sun rising on a cold dark winter's morning and lighting the way, I could now see what I was meant to do.
Some days have been challenging, fears, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts are real and debilitating. Here is a visualisation that I have used to break through these blocks:
Ive dug down deep enough to a rock bed of resistance.
Im there, Im at my place of turn back, doubleback, u turn, give up. Im rummaging through the rocks of negativity and oposition and I know I have to keep going. I know I have to dig them up, to blast through them.
Ive never been so determined and I know beneath this bedrock is soft sand and clay.
My life purpose and calling is on the other side of this block. I need help, I cant do it alone and I dont have to. I have God on my side and He knows I can do this. He is helping me by giving me strength and direction. My angels and guides are here with me and we are digging through this.
I am digging these rocks with my bare hands and I am working in a fury. I am being pushed along by my desperation and fear. My fingers are cut and bleeding but I dont care.
The smaller rocks are thrown aside and the gritty pebbles are being dug away. I can see my way. I have tears of joy as I realise Im doing it, Im digging through. Its getting easier and the tension is building. Im almost there. My people are hovering around spurring me on with encouragement. You can do this Lisa!!!
I am through. I have broken through. There is a hole and I jump through onto soft sand. I run and laugh and cry. I hug my companions. I have burst through the barrier, ready to move forward and continue on my journey. I have done it!!
Today my days are full of love and life. I take my toddler to a different playgroup almost every morning. We both enjoy socialising and have met so many wonderful and interesting people. We come home for lunch and while she sleeps in the afternoon I see clients either at home or on a video call. I also see clients in the evenings. I don't know what will happen in the near future when Eve doesn't sleep anymore during the daytime but for now this is working well and I have learnt to just focus on the here and now, the rest will be taken care of in its time.
I love the feeling of helping people! EmEnergy stands for Emotional Energy, as this is the area I feel drawn to help others. I work with mums and their children or women on their own. I have had some earth shattering experiences where people's lives have been changed forever, to me these are miracles. I know this only happens because I listen to the inspiration given. My God is my strength and my support. This is His work. I know this is what He wants me to do. If I ever start to fear my capabilities I remind myself that what I am doing is 90% Him and only 10% me. It removes the overwhelming feelings of doubt. It can be scary starting your own business and going out on your own but I am so grateful I took the plunge. My husband, my children and my mentor have been my support and cheer squad. We don't need a lot of people on our side, just those few key ones that make all the difference.
I LOVE what I do and do what I LOVE. Having Eve at age 45 and sharing my days with her and starting my business has been such a joy. I cant believe I get to do this. Its not without its challenges but it is so rewarding. Who would have thought life could be this good, definitely not me, but that's what happens when you follow your heart and believe in good things to come, come they must.