Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Staying Connected with Intuitive Parenting

I am SO excited for YOU! 

Are you ready to discover how to remain calm and confident and create amazing connections with your children...(that's right no more bitter arguments and power struggles!)

No matter how often you lose your cool or how wracked with guilt you feel and irrespective of how dysfunctional you believe your relationship is right now...

This is for YOU!

To help set you up for the coming holidays surrounded by family for days or weeks, I am giving you this program for $97AUD and then after Christmas day it will be $297.

The program consists of my ebook 'Staying Connected with Intuitive Parenting' and two practical, easy to follow videos where I teach you how to expertly know what emotional blockages your child has and how to release them in minutes.

After you enroll, private message or email me at lisa.wheeler053@gmail.com your best email and I will send you your ready-to-go-program and you will be on your way to enjoying happier and calmer children.

Click here to pay with PAYPAL 

Love and light
Lisa xo

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Journaling Hints For Beginners

The art of journalling can be found all around the world. Since the dawn of time, people have been using cave drawings and scrolls to record their life stories. It is something I've asked my parents to participate in and I have really enjoyed reading about their lives when they have. We may think our lives are insanely boring but not only is it actually enjoyable for our family to read one day, it is also extremely beneficial for ourselves.

Even millionaires use journaling as a key to success, but why is journaling so beneficial?

Getting your thoughts down on paper and out of your head is so important for our emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing. It allows for all the mental clutter to be cleared and improves overall focus. There is a real and tangible feeling of peace and clarity that comes after you’ve given your thoughts a voice and let them go. Once you have them out of your head you will know if they are thoughts and ideas you want to expand and run with, or ones you would prefer to let go and move on from.
A great, easy way to start journaling is by using journaling prompts. These are designed to inspire you to take action, give you some clarity on a situation or feeling, or help you learn something new about yourself.

Journalling is valuable because it is something you are doing just for yourself.

Below are some suggested journal prompts to get you started:

Three things I value about myself are…

Five things I am grateful for today…

I am craving…

I feel like myself when…

I need more…

Something I did today to move me closer to my dreams is…

I feel good/bad about myself when I…

My intuition speaks to me by…

If I eat when I'm not physically hungry it's because…

If I was given $50,000 I would spend it on…

I’ve been putting off...

I would love to get more support with...

Journaling is a powerful way to reflect on life and become more self -aware. I have found that once people start journalling regularly, it is the solid foundation that they can begin to build a nurturing routine around.

Please reach out if you have any further questions or would like more support.

Lisa x

Friday, April 10, 2020

WHY Sisterhood Moon Circles?

Due to the Covid-19 virus we are in isolation and are asked to stay at home unless we need to go out for supplies etc. As a result I havent been able to facilitate my women's circles from home at the moment so recently I decided to do the next best thing and take them online.

Last night we had our first circle and it was a roaring success. I was a bit unsure if it would hold the same value but I found that with everyone's contributions we were all inspired and uplifted. It was really fun, friendly, stimulating and heart warming. I have invited different co-hosts as it is much more fun for me to collaborate, we all get to learn from each other and experience different women's ideas.

We are holding them twice a month on the new moon and again on the full moon. We use the differing energies of the moon to springboard the purpose of each circle. We set and release intentions for the next moon cycle.

Each circle we hold a cacao ceremony. cacao is a powerful plant medicine that has been used for centuries. It is a great helper of healing and releasing energetic blockages that no longer serve us anymore. So each participant is asked to prepare and have their hot cacao or hot chocolate with them.

Each circle we are holding two sessions across two nights for women to choose from. The next ones are Wed 22nd and Thurs 23rd. they begin at 7pm AEST or 10am GMT

Our next moon circle is entitled SURRENDER as the energy of the new moon in April is inviting us to that. To surrender  into slowing down, grounding into the earth, to reality, to the here and now. To surrender to being more present and more in the moment which can help us appreciate what we have and what we are capable of, Surrender to living according to our personal values, to be more authentic and if our values don't jive anymore, this is a time to focus on new ones that do.

Some of the things to expect at our next sisterhood moon circle are:

  • empowering meditation that will enable you to slow down and ground in to the here and now
  • powerful clearing journaling and self reflection
  • to utelise the energy of the new moon to set intentions and move forward with your dream goals
  • to be nourished with the spirit of cacao in a healing journey
  • soul cleansing chair yoga focused on finding ease and what feels good in your own body. This is a way to really connect to the self and stay present in the moment
  • experience my very own intuitive healing medicine

We would LOVE to have you join our community. We are passionate about connecting with vibrant, open hearted women who are yearning to feel alive, healed, heard and happy.

Is this you?

We provide only 10 spaces at each circle to allow for maximum participation and intimacy. If you would love to reserve your seat then click this link for more info 

"The "Sisterhood Circle” that Lisa has created is a warm and welcoming environment for women around the globe to come together through a common interest.
Lisa leads you through a series of topics and fun activities to support you to question, learn, grow, heal and find your true self. 
There is no right or wrong or judgement. Just a supportive environment where "what’s right for you” is right. 
I enjoyed the experience and the thoughts it provoked and the ideas I took away to work on to help reveal my true self.
If you would like the support of a group of like minded women in a warm and welcoming environment where you are accepted for who you are and encouraged to find your true self then I recommend you join an upcoming Sisterhood Circle." Lorraine

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Since starting my business in 2018, I have helped my clients discover effective approaches in dealing with the challenges in their lives. Read on to learn what clients have to say about their experience with my coaching services, and contact me today to schedule your own session.

"Lisa's Aligning with Joy program has brought me a long ways on my journey of transformation - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Lisa's method of releasing trapped emotions, generational beliefs, and negative thought patterns is fast and effective; it doesn't take hours of work, which I love! Years of living intuitively give her the ability to get to the root of your problems, and offer other tools to assist you in healing your life. This program equips you with many techniques for positively influencing your life, and leaves you empowered to begin creating a life that you love. I have already seen improvements in my health, my mental state, more positive emotions, and a renewed passion and hope for the future!" Katelyn

Ever since my first attack of asthma approximately 30 years ago and resultant ongoing presence of allergens and now spending constant time with grandchildren and other children I have the potential to catch viruses which either develop into asthma, and a chest infection or bronchitis. These have always affected me for 2-4 weeks at least and have always left me with a post viral malaise which lasted another week. A couple of months ago just after the commencement of another bout, I was speaking to Lisa. She offered to align me and give me the extra that I needed to combat this latest attack. Needless to say it was a painless event as all I did was sit and listen. It took less than 30 seconds. My virus disappeared after 1 week with no residual lethargy. Lisa has also been teaching me through her Aligning with Joy program, the importance of positive vibrations and how powerful they are in keeping our lives “joyful”. Last week another virus presented. This time I used gratitude thinking and positive self talk knowing that my body had everything that I needed plus the capability to heal itself. I slept for about 1 1/2 days. The coughing was a little easier. Asthma was almost non existent and the whole episode lasted no longer than 5 days. Needless to say. I am grateful to Lisa for the difference she has made to my life. The improvement I have mentioned above is gratitude on its own but it is only a portion of the benefits that I have received from Lisa." Ria

I must be honest, when Lisa offered me the Aligning with Joy program I thought, I know all this stuff, but I said yes. Throughout the course the universe showed me I was on the right course and I did need it.
I am calmer and pain free now. I used to struggle to move and get out of bed in the mornings; I experienced a lot of pain in my hips.
I have also lost weight; cutting out sugar was the best thing ever!!
I love to use meditation and do it 2-3 times a week. I still use affirmations and my business and finances have improved. Life is great. I still have some things to work on, but I am on my way. Thank you Lisa, thank you, thank you, thank you!! Leah

"Lisa has been working with me using the Aligning with Joy program for the past several weeks, releasing trapped emotions from my physical, mental and spiritual body. The work she has done with me has been profound. Releasing these trapped emotions has enabled me to let go of out dated limiting belief systems that I've held on to, causing me unnecessary pain, illnesses, a lifetime of discomfort and basically holding me back from living my life to my fullest potential. The best part of my journey so far has been that Lisa has given me the tools and strategies to use for life. These have empowered me to continue do this work for myself and others. I can't speak highly enough of the work Lisa does its gentle, subtle, nurturing yet extremely powerful and for me personally it has been life changing!!" Andrea

"I thought I had tried everything. I was so close to giving up. But Lisa taught me that once I aligned myself with my goals everything falls into place." Skye

"I'd just like to say a huge thank you and say how much I appreciate the work you did with my son and I. I've felt 'lighter' for the past couple of weeks. I've being trying to quantify exactly what it is, but that's proving elusive. All I can say is that my mind feels clearer and less weighed down. Its like I've released all of this negativity and its been replaced with 'light and love', So, thank you, you've made a huge difference to both of us." Alison

"Wow, what can I say about this Aligning with Joy course?! After my breakdown in 2017, it has given me my life back and given me direction again . My life is SO much happier now! Thank you Lisa". Bec

"The concept of releasing emotional blocks energetically was one that I could never have imagined doing before in my life. I have talked about my emotions and worked through trauma in the past but I had not healed nor released properly.
After just one session with Lisa, I opened myself up to releasing through my own energy and it was enlightening and beautiful. To learn to have the knowledge and power to work on my own wounds and or blocks has bought a new empowering, calming and exciting element in to my life. Thank you Lisa for the open, kind and caring way that you share your knowledge and information, I felt very comfortable with you." Annie

"This was SO good Lisa!! I haven't used muscle testing for releasing trapped emotions like that before. Last night my upper back/shoulders started aching and feeling tight. As I sat down to watch your video I thought of your recent posts about pain and trapped emotions and thought maybe it will help. It took a few minutes of breathing out the emotions, but the pain went away!!! Now I notice a little in my neck, so I'm going to go do it again. Thank you so much for all your info! This is amazing!" Katelyn

"I have been working with Lisa for the past 6 weeks, from my son's sleep and eating problems to my own emotional blockages, Lisa has helped release these. This has had a huge positive impact on our daily life and we will continue to work with Lisa. We couldn't thank her enough." Melissa

"Lisa's Aligning With Joy program shares her invaluable advice in manifesting life's joys and combating health alignments. Her approach is holistic, mind - body - soul, and her approach to using natural ingredients and whole foods offers an amazing way to heal. I had muscle testing performed by Lisa and was thrilled with this new found knowledge that can be applied to so many areas in ones life, such as supplements and diets. This kind and generous lady will help you connect the dots for your health and raise your vibration." Kiara

"Thank you Lisa for guiding me through your Aligning with Joy course. I have found it inspirational and thought provoking. It has opened up a completely new perspective of looking at my world and at myself. I have unblocked many areas of my life and have newly developed excitement about what is ahead. I really enjoyed the practical aspects of the course to help me put into practise some of the new ideas and concepts I was introduced too. This course is a must for anyone who feels stuck in a rut or is on the pathway to transformation in their life. Thanks again!" Caroline

"Lisa's Aligning with Joy program has brought me a long ways on my journey of transformation - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Lisa's method of releasing trapped emotions, generational beliefs, and negative thought patterns is fast and effective; it doesn't take hours of work, which I love! Years of living intuitively give her the ability to get to the root of your problems, and offer other tools to assist you in healing your life. This program equips you with many techniques for positively influencing your life, and leaves you empowered to begin creating a life that you love. I have already seen improvements in my health, my mental state, more positive emotions, and a renewed passion and hope for the future" Katelyn

"Lisa's coaching has been wonderful! The modules were inspiring and well designed. Each module had helpful questions and activities that enabled me to really engage with the content. When I first began Lisa's program I was feeling quite low and wanting to improve my emotional health but didn't know where to start. Thanks to Lisa I now feel more empowered to work on my own sense of wellbeing. She taught me many practical and useful techniques. Now I can see a way forward, and have the tools to keep working on my emotional health and become a better version of me. I was pleasantly surprised with the difference that the energy healing and releasing made in my life. I could feel a real difference after my visits with Lisa. I'm grateful for her for sharing her wisdom." Maddie

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The 3 Pillars of Emancipation: Empowering Sisterhood

This is a reformation for women who yearn to enter a new life where you feel whole and healed, alive and happy. Where you enjoy fulfilling relationships and sow the seeds for future generations.

Is this you?

Emancipate means to liberate and its time to heed the call. You have been chosen for this time. The timing is perfect. The time is now. Its time to be free.

Free to discover who we really are. To unshackle the expectations thrown at us, to obliterate trying to be all things to all people. Its time to fill our cups with substance to ignite our purpose and unlock our intuition and inspiration - our natural gifts as women.

If you are ready for the reformation- a reformation of women centred in clarity, grounded in their power and shielding the light they emanate, then these are the 3 pillars to enable you to move forward in vigour.

1. The first pillar is to be prepared to protect your energy. This means to grow your personal strength so that the outside influences no longer have the ability to pull you down. Release yourself from the noise, from the ENTICEMENT of the outside world. Ignore the gossip, harness your power and stand in your truth. The truth is you are sovereign, you are divine, you do not need the commotion. Be still and stay present in the moment.
Embody virtue and stand in integrity. Love and honour your vessel, your soul, your mind. Don't debase or corrupt it with empty and bottomless practices that don't edify or elevate. Be sincere and honest. Let go of your ego and hidden agendas. Develop strong boundaries. Speak from your truth and allow others the same.

When we operate from love and compassion, we come together in unity, in hope, in courage and become the authentic women we will want to be.

2. The second pillar is to be prepared to protect the emanation in our homes. Safe guard them from the darkness, disunity and disharmony. Fortify the spirit of our homes. We are the gatekeepers. We have natural gifts to sense when things are not right and what needs to be done.
Our men look to us for inspired strategy. We are equal but we are different. We bring to the table proposed action that are outside their awareness. We are the cornerstone of the family, without us the family breaks down. We need to step up and reclaim our rightful place in this role.

Our children need our clarity of purpose, our ignited vision, our laser focus on the integral points as we strategize and take action to nourish, strengthen and INSPIRE them to follow in our footsteps.

As we empower ourselves, we are better equipped to monitor, protect and secure our homes.

3. The third pillar is to be prepared to raise the collective vibration of the earth. To have the desire to come together in solidarity. No longer be in competition with other sisters but be united in harmony. As we lift each other, together we rise. Connect on an emotional level and stand together in one consciousness.
As we strengthen each other, we strengthen society. Transform society and manifest a new life. A new life where we ignite faith in humanity.


A movement.

Will you heed the call?

Will you join us?

To enable this movement to move forward I am offering two online Sisterhood Circles each month for 12 months.

I am excited to connect in real life, hold space and lean in together. Lean into what is possible. Allow ourselves the room to grieve for what wasn't, heal from what was and unlock what is wanted.

Will you give yourself permission for 2 hours a session to step into the creative process and allow us to support you to become the new you? Sisterhood .220

Are you willing to give yourself this time to light your torch to enable the strength and power you will need?

And then be a light to those around you influencing and impacting the world for the better.

🔹️Do you feel the weight of your responsibilities?

🔹️Do you feel alone?

🔹️Do you feel overwhelmed?

🔹️Do you feel exhausted?

🔹️Do you feel unappreciated?

🔹️Do you feel that you are never enough?

❤We get you

❤You are sovereign

❤You are divine

❤You are of worth

❤You are needed

❤You are NOT alone


💥Join us at the table of


$𝟐𝟓 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞

$𝟒𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟐

$𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟐 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩

CONTACT 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬

In light and love

Lisa x

Thursday, November 15, 2018

FREE Muscle Testing LIVE

Would you like to learn how to use muscle testing?

Join me on Monday 26th Nov 

at 1.30pm AEST for a FB Live

for a free demonstration.

  • You will learn the basics of how to muscle test for yourself and your family. This will enable you to know for yourself which foods and health products are consumable for you as an individual. No more copious reading and listening to so called experts who use a one fits all blanket approach. Our health needs are not the same as each others. Feel confident in taking back your role as decision maker around what to use for your own and your family's needs. Become empowered as you learn to trust you already have the answers.

  • You will learn how to use muscle testing to release trapped emotions and blocked or stuck energy. Our body holds on to certain messages we have overheard or have been directly given until we let them go. These messages can be recognised as limiting beliefs, insecurities, negative thought patterns or mindsets. The result of these messages can be irrational fears, self fulfilling prophecies, behavior patterns and even physical pain. Learn to let it all go and move forward with lightness and energy.

One lucky participant will walk away with a giveaway of one 15 - 30 min energy healing session. Stay to the end to be in the draw.

Lisa delivered an informative workshop in a direct and grounded manner. She was very good at answering the questions I had with an open and caring attitude. I felt a distinct decrease in tension in my body as we looked at and released both past and present emotional blocks. It was a very pleasant experience and I would recommend Lisa's workshops to others. 

I attended one of Lisa's muscle testing workshops and was a bit skeptical that any of this energy healing would work. I had a sore knee that had bothered me for the past 2-3 weeks and I had tried easing the pain with muscle rubs, resting and supportive footwear. When Lisa released some blocks through energy healing the pain went instantly! It was wonderful and amazing. This was 3 months ago and the pain has never returned. I'm definitely a convert and I'm even using the muscle testing she taught me for myself, its surprisingly easy. I feel lighter and my anxiety has gone, I think its wonderful.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Life in 2018; Can it Get any Better!?

Almost three years ago, when I found out I was 20 weeks pregnant, my life took a sudden turn and I was re-routed in more ways than one. I was teaching full time and expected to continue to do so. Suddenly I had 4 weeks left in my beloved dream job. I left to go on leave never considering that I would resign and change my career completely.

I resigned last month 31st August. It felt right. It was time.

When Eve was two, earlier this year, I was talking to a mentor who helps people get started with their own business and she was asking me what I wanted to do. I knew I'd been led to her. I had spoken to her before, we'd become friends and were in a couple of different facebook groups together. I told her I'd had this secret desire for five years where I helped people as a life coach. I had written a program imagining I was holding retreats for women across the world to access and enjoy. I would hold classes about how to align with joy, practise using gratitude, understand the law of attraction and basically turn their lives around. We would have delicious healthy meals and use essential oils. It was all a bit of fun because it was imaginary, just a dream, however as my friend began asking me questions this day about my passions in life, I suddenly knew that my fantasy had to come out of dream world and into reality.

I had begun seeing a naturopath back in 1999 who used energy healing. I was fascinated and results showed me that it really worked. I did a few classes and learnt the basics so I could practise this art. I had been using it on my family and friends and enjoying seeing the results in their lives ever since.

It was after talking to my mentor that I started to see the picture; like the sun rising on a cold dark winter's morning and lighting the way, I could now see what I was meant to do.

Some days have been challenging, fears, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts are real and debilitating. Here is a visualisation that I have used to break through these blocks:

Ive dug down deep enough to a rock bed of resistance. 
Im there, Im at my place of turn back, doubleback, u turn, give up. Im rummaging through the rocks of negativity and oposition and I know I have to keep going. I know I have to dig them up, to blast through them.
Ive never been so determined and I know beneath this bedrock is soft sand and clay.
My life purpose and calling is on the other side of this block. I need help, I cant do it alone and I dont have to. I have God on my side and He knows I can do this. He is helping me by giving me strength and direction. My angels and guides are here with me and we are digging through this.
I am digging these rocks with my bare hands and I am working in a fury. I am being pushed along by my desperation and fear. My fingers are cut and bleeding but I dont care. 
The smaller rocks are thrown aside and the gritty pebbles are being dug away. I can see my way. I have tears of joy as I realise Im doing it, Im digging through. Its getting easier and the tension is building. Im almost there. My people are hovering around spurring me on with encouragement. You can do this Lisa!!! 
I am through. I have broken through. There is a hole and I jump through onto soft sand. I run and laugh and cry. I hug my companions. I have burst through the barrier, ready to move forward and continue on my journey. I have done it!!

Today my days are full of love and life. I take my toddler to a different playgroup almost every morning. We both enjoy socialising and have met so many wonderful and interesting people. We come home for lunch and while she sleeps in the afternoon I see clients either at home or on a video call. I also see clients in the evenings. I don't know what will happen in the near future when Eve doesn't sleep anymore during the daytime but for now this is working well and I have learnt to just focus on the here and now, the rest will be taken care of in its time.

I love the feeling of helping people! EmEnergy stands for Emotional Energy, as this is the area I feel drawn to help others. I work with mums and their children or women on their own. I have had some earth shattering experiences where people's lives have been changed forever, to me these are miracles. I know this only happens because I listen to the inspiration given. My God is my strength and my support. This is His work. I know this is what He wants me to do. If I ever start to fear my capabilities I remind myself that what I am doing is 90% Him and only 10% me. It removes the overwhelming feelings of doubt. It can be scary starting your own business and going out on your own but I am so grateful I took the plunge. My husband, my children and my mentor have been my support and cheer squad. We don't need a lot of people on our side, just those few key ones that make all the difference.

I LOVE what I do and do what I LOVE. Having Eve at age 45 and sharing my days with her and starting my business has been such a joy. I cant believe I get to do this. Its not without its challenges but it is so rewarding. Who would have thought life could be this good, definitely not me, but that's what happens when you follow your heart and believe in good things to come, come they must.