Sunday, June 18, 2017

I've Converted to Minimilism

It sounds like a religon doesn't it? It feels like I've joined a revival. I'm definitely feeling the energy and excitement of the journey. I think it is a journey rather than a destination, ie "I am practising minimalism". Although it means different things for different people, one thing for sure, it isn't about bare cupboards and empty shelves. Its about removing clutter and limiting distractions so we can concentrate on those things that bring us joy. It's about cashing in the chaos for calm. It's about being intentional with what you have and what you use. I love this quote: The less you own, the less that owns you. Our material possessions can own us if we are not careful.

A little while ago I watched this program on TV and I felt instantly inspired to join the bandwagon.

In the show they used Marie Kondo's idea of 'sparking joy', this means that if an item doesn't spark joy then you toss it out. So I started getting rid of anything that didn't bring me joy, that worked okay with some things like my clothes, books, jewellery and cds, but not so much with some other stuff like the egg poachers in the kitchen drawer, so I ended up deciding if I hadn't used it in ages and wouldnt really miss it, I put it aside to donate, give away or throw out.

I found the whole experience really liberating. I felt like I was on a high and had to hold myself back from going overboard and throwing away nearly everything I own. As I got rid of my possessions I felt the pressure of looking after my stuff disappear, pressure I hadn't even realised was there. Some of my things I was just holding onto because I felt I should. I had paid a lot of money for it but didn't really like or use it, or someone else had given it to me, but then I realised if I gave it away and others could enjoy or benefit from it then that would be a much better use of my things.

I could understand that some people would find this hard to do. Some advice I have read suggests that we put our things aside out of eye sight and after a week or two, if we haven't missed it, then out it goes. To become a minimalist we do need to get rid of stuff and overcome the need to have stuff. Its not just a matter of re-organising and putting our clutter out of eye sight, it really is a process of purging ourselves from our possessions.

The other side of becoming a minimalist is we only buy what we really need. When we do this we can make those purchases better quality and longer lasting. We can purchase items that are more earth friendly and teach our children to appreciate what they have when they get it. It also teaches them not to waste money and as we learn to manage our resources wisely, we are less likely to find ourselves in over extended debt.

So come on and join in the revolution, you'll be surprised how free you'll feel.

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