Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dorky Scanned Photos

This is me when I was four years old, I was obviously coached on how ladies sit. Pity about the boy haircut though.
I can see I need to improve my scanning skills! This is me at 13 when it was all the rage to wear these bush jackets & I thought I was so cool!
And if I thought I was cool at 13, this is me at 15 where I used to wear a bullet on my necklace. Nev drilled a hole in it for me & I thought I was tough.
This is one for you Collette! Yes that is Collette, I think I'm actually 14 here and Collete must be around 2.
This is me in my college production "The Man of Steel". I was Olga the Volga and it was a send up of Superman. I was the big baddie.
So there you have some dorky photos of me growing up- enjoy.....


The Kings said...

Ha ha - classic shots!!! Love little Collette - so cute. The bush jackets were big hey!!

Collette said...

yeah we were all pretty cute kids...don't know what happened! your scanning skills are AWESOME thats the funniest post you've got...just because of that!

Simone Triffitt said...

That perm is outrageous! It's a wonder you fitted thru doors with it. ;)